Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Photo-a-Day Day 29

Woohoo its the last day of green :)

Have been waiting for my red and yellow cherry tomatoes to ripen all summer, last year, I had lots of fresh mixed salad leaves, rocket, spring onions and ripened red & yellow cherry tomatoes all from my garden every day.... this year.... I had to buy the tomatoes as mine were a bit anaemic! 

Picked a few ripened yellow ones last week and a few more have now shown their true colours, but the rest are still green - everytime I look at them I am reminded of one of my favourite movies Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe.... I have the book and it has recipe for said Fried Green Tomatoes... tempted to try it with my poor crop!  Anyway thought I'd pick most of them and leave in the sun (oh yes the sun is making its appearance through the fog) today and see if the little blighters will get their act together!

Anyway they came in useful for my last green photo, so not a total loss then!


  1. We had fried green tomatoes (with crabcakes) in Mobile in May and I was surprised to find they were cooked in batter. :0

  2. PS if you visit the Bell Foundry ring first as they only open up when they have visitors. :) It's worth a visit, it's £4.

  3. Bung them in a poly bag with a banana. There's something in bananas that causes other fruit to ripen.
