Sunday, 2 October 2011

Photo-a-Day Day 33

Today the rule is Favourite Shoes.... well I am sure I let the whole of female kind down by not being a shoe person... I really can't see the attraction of buying shoes.. I can generally manage some enthusiasm for buying a new walking boot or new muck boots and I love Teva sandals for summer (my photo would have been of these, but I wore them so much this summer they've finally fallen to bits!!)..... but apart from that footwear bores me.. I really only have one pair of vaguely strappy shoes for going out on the town in!!

So anyway, I decided on my New Rock boots... my gig going boots.... I love them.. can't wear them like, I get rotten blisters and my leg muscles ache like hell after carting them around like lead.... but they do make a great doorstop.. and every once in a while I go out for a hobble in them..


  1. awww, these are really boots :)))

  2. I have purple New Rocks :)
    Dont get to wear them much now as they hurt my feet and are heavy - cant believe that I would wear them once for days on end.
