Thursday 15 December 2011

Photo-a-Day Day 106

Something you can't live without... this isn't just Tia, I can't live without a dog.. when my old boy Buster died at 14 1/2, I was so heartbroken I actually thought I couldn't go through the upset again... 2 days later I realised I didn't have any reason to get up in the mornings (no walkies to do, no food to prepare, no cuddles etc)... so I was straight onto a Rottweiler rescue and a few days later Tia was brought to my house for a home visit... she stayed :)

Tia looking as chuffed as ever at having a camera shoved in her face


  1. Aw she has such a beautiful face and soulful eyes. :)

  2. Yes I was heart broken when I had my Solo put to sleep (and Fred before him and then Samson who I grew up with). I didn't think I wanted to have another one but well then we got Ferd.

    Solo was a also my Mums dog and it was so hard as she had just been told that her cancer had come back and was terminal. Then we discovered that Solo had cancer - My Mum knew that she would never have another dog. So Mr Mouse and I brought forwards our dog getting plans and got a puppy so that my Mum could have the joy of a puppy to help with the healing process of losing Solo and to give her some joy in those last few months
